The Arts Society Falmouth


EXISTING MEMBER - Renew Membership 2024-25 - RENEW Online by Credit or Debit Card

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Next Lecture

Friday 18 October 2024
Mark Hill

Next Lecture

Next Discovery Day

Friday 28 March 2025
Dr Marie-Anne Mancio

Next Lecture

Next Visit

Tuesday 15 October 2024
Saltram House

Next Lecture

Our Programme - "Enriching Lives Through The Arts"

"The Arts Society is a community that wants more people to engage, to appreciate and above all to enjoy the arts and discover how they enrich our lives.”

Our society will be of interest to anyone who loves or wants to discover more about 'The Arts' - paintings, pottery, silverware, sculpture and a myriad of other subjects which come under this broad heading.

Experts have shared their knowledge on subjects as diverse as ‘The Golden Tang Dynasty’, ‘Railway Architecture’, ‘Dissolution of the Abbeys’, ‘The 12 Great Livery Companies of London’ and the ‘Monasteries of Bulgaria’.

The only way to really understand the richness of the material covered is to look at our Lecture Programme (both for this and previous years) or come along as a guest and try us out.

Lectures, Discovery Days and Visits

Our monthly illustrated lectures explore a given subject and last approximately one hour. Lecturers are selected from The Arts Society directory (which lists over 3000 talks, delivered by 280 different lecturers) and are chosen for their expert knowledge and ability to present their subject in an informal and entertaining way.

During Discovery Days members have the opportunity to look at a subject in more depth with typically three lectures spread over the day.

Our visits often give members an opportunity to visit places of interest that are not always accessible to the public, to visit as a group and often transport is arranged.


You would be most welcome to join our Society and to share in the learning and social activities.  To find out more, either email us at, or phone the membership secretary on 01209 861554. If you are ready to join look at the membership part of our web site to see the ways you can join Membership .

Sign Up for our Newsletter

If you are visiting this website and are not a member of our Society but would be interested to receive our monthly Newsletter, click here Please Add Me to the Newsletter List

The Arts Society

We are a member of a national group, The Arts Society, which has a network of over 300 local societies. Membership nationally exceeds 60,000. We have access to over 300 professional lecturers and a wide range of subjects from some of the country’s top experts.

The Arts Society Falmouth will offer a core programme of local events and our umbrella organisation, The Arts Society, provides a huge amount of online and printed arts related content to members.

Have a look at The Arts Society Web Site - for articles and the latest arts news.

Join The Arts Society Facebook Group - and share your passion for the arts.