Mabe Church has a fine position overlooking the valley, which is now the Argal reservoir, its tall west tower visible for miles around. The ancient name was Lavabe, indicating that this was an early foundation, and it was probably attached to Gluvias in Penryn. After the Norman Conquest it, like other similar early establishments, was put under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Exeter. It was then dedicated to St Laudus, or St Laud, a 6th century Bishop of Coutances in Normandy.
The church was rebuilt in 1868 after it had been struck by lightning and badly damaged. However, the south porch, parts of the north aisle and the tower date from the 15th century.
There is an interesting reredos. The central panels depicting the Last Supper, the Annunciation and the Nativity date from 1929.
The panels on either side contain fragments of a 15th century reredos with figures carved in alabaster, from workshops in Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire. The alabaster fragments are rare, with very few examples of this work to be found, and particularly not in Cornwall.
The church also has an unusual tazza, with Elizabethan strapwork and hallmarked 1577, with a central medallion portraying Medusa.