Our 2012-2013 Discovery Days


The Influence of the 'Grand Tour' on English Country Gardening and the English Landscape

James Bolton

Time: Study day - 10.30 - 3.30


First Lecture:

Gardens in Italy from the Emperor Hadrian to the Emperor Napoleon.

Second Lecture: The Grand Tour:

The Perils and Pleasures of the Eighteenth Century traveller's Journey to Italy.

Third Lecture:

The Influence of Italy on the 18th Century English Garden.

James Bolton set up his garden design business in 1992 after two years as head gardener at the Old Rectory , Farnborough. He had previously trained with the Direction des Parcs et Jardins in Paris.

He lectures extensively on gardens and garden history. His book on garden ornaments, called 'Garden Mania' was published by Thames and Hudson in 2000.

Venue: Buckfast Abbey

Organised by: South West Area Event



Islamic Art: Exploring the Decorative Arts of the Islamic World

Christopher Bradley

Time: Study day - 10.00 - 3.30


This Study Day covered Islamic Art in some of the most important cities, sites and museums in the world, especially Cordoba, Cairo, Damascus, Isfahan and Samarkand. From its Arabian heartland comes a wealth of decorated ceramics, carved wood, metalwork, glass, tiles, mosaics, carpets, architecture and gardens.

In addition to artistic treasures inspired by the Islamic religion, there is also non-religious art such as the colourful dancing figures from the pleasure palaces of Persia; the simple mud brick decorations of a merchant’s caravanserai; or the delicate carved marble of perhaps the world’s most beautiful building – the Taj Mahal.

We tend to think of all Islamic art in religious contexts but within these regions are many non-Muslim communities of Copts, Jews and Zoroastrians whose own art is inextricably linked.

Despite unifying themes of mosques, minarets, madrasses and mausoleums to be found between Morocco and China, each region has its own history that influences the decorative art we see today.

Christopher Bradley started his career as a civil engineering consultant, and then focussed on tourism and Arabian studies. He has written many Berlitz travel guides, been a travel photographer and a documentary film maker. Whilst still designing and leading tours, he also lectures widely, including for NADFAS since 2005. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, Member of the Society for Arabian Studies and of the British-Yemeni Society.

Venue: National Maritime Museum Cornwall, Falmouth

Organised by: The Arts Society Falmouth



Let there be light

Michael Howard MA Courtauld BA(Hons) FRSA

Time: Study day - 10.00 - 3.30


Imagine a world without light - impossible. Light brings life and animation to our world. The lectures celebrated the many ways in which light animates our lives and art through colour, movement, illumination, reflection and shadow. We considered ideas about colour from the medieval period - most spectacularly revealed through their love of stained glass windows - through the paintings of Rembrandt, Turner, and Constable, the impressionist and contemporary artists such as Bridget Riley and James Turrell.

Michael Howard is Programme Leader for MA in Visual Culture at School of Art History at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is President of Bolton NADFAS and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. As well as being an art historian, he is a practising painter, printmaker and ceramicist. He has published widely on European Art of the 19th and 20th Centuries. His books include 'L.S.Lowry : A Visionary Artist'. He and his wife Ghislane run a studio gallery in Glossop where they run weekend and one day courses.

Venue: Buckfast Abbey

Organised by: South West Area Event
